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Saturday, July 16, 2005

Shared things

This is an edited excerpt form another website:

"These are some things Kenthill Townhomes shares with Easthill Townhomes:

"The pool. [We share in the cleaning and maintenance (if it needs a new pump, or something, we would pay our share of that).]. The pool area. [This is the area surrounding the swimming pool. We share in the cleaning, etc.]. The clubhouse cabana. [We share in the cleaning, etc. (If they paint it, or something, we share in that).]. The concrete patio area. [This is the area just west of the cabana, outside the entry door. We share in the cleaning, etc. of that]. The privacy fencing. [This is the fence which surrounds the pool, etc. We share in the maintenance (if it ever needs some paint, etc.]. The tennis courts. [We share it with them. It gets swept every year. It gets powerwashed when it needs it]. The parking/driveways. [We share these things in the sense that we share the costs of when these areas get swept from time to time].