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Friday, June 05, 2009

2009 Driveway improvement (Part 1)

In 2008, the strip of shared driveway that lies east and west on the property (this is S.E. 254th Pl.) was resurfaced with new asphalt at a cost of approximately $15,500.
In 2009, additional asphalt driveway resurfacing will occur (see the post dated May 20, 2009 for additional information) near Building I and Building R. The square footage of these two areas to be done in 2009 is approximately twice that of the area resurfaced in 2008.
[Maintenance of these items is considered a shared expense under the Joint Access and Easement Agreement of 1976 signed by both Kenthill Townhomes and Easthill Apartments. Easthill Apartments share is 60%. Kenthill Townhomes share is 40%.].