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Monday, August 08, 2005

Insurance company evaluation [Part three]

On April 5th, 2005 a Board member met with a risk management representative from CAU. For over an hour the risk management representative and the Board member walked the entire complex. The representative asked numerous questions regarding Kenthill Townhomes, taking several photographs with a digital camera as the entire complex was covered. The gentleman explained that as the risk management representative contracted by CAU to conduct this survey, it was his responsibility and job to note all potential concerns and potential liabilities to his employer.

It was explained that Kenthill Townhomes and Easthill Apartments were constructed in two phases, but at the present time we are two separate properties.

The risk management representative inspected the inside of a condominium where he asked many questions regarding Kenthill Townhomes documents, our Declarations, and our House Rules. When we parted, he stated that he would be writing his report and sending it on to CAU.
On June 13, 2005 CAU wrote a letter to the Kenthill Townhomes Homeowners Association. This is an excerpt from that letter:

"The referenced risk survey, conducted on 04/05/05 has identified certain conditions that warrant your prompt attention. To help you correct these conditions, we have formulated the enclosed recommendations for your implementation.

#1. Inspect all buildings for evidence of dry rot and replace all wood that is suspect".