For many years, the Kenthill Homeowners Association Board investigated the installation of new roofs on all our buildings. In early 2003, the board asked for and received several bids to do the work. Contractors came out to the property to view all our buildings. They investigated, researched, and reported back to the board their findings. They also provided many materials and literature that explain the various types of options available to the association to address the problems with our roofing project. We have 15 buildings throughout our complex and they rated each one as to priority (some of our roofs being in much poorer condition as opposed to others). One of the contractors was concerned enough to state that they felt that six buildings should be dealt with immediately.
The board selected one of the contractors and the roofing project began, with buildings C and M receiving new roofs in mid 2003. Roofs on buildings E and K were installed in 2004. The 2005 Homeowners Association Board has made a commitment to continue the project of installing two roofs every year until the project is completed.