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Saturday, May 14, 2005

An excerpt from another website

This is a history of the Kenthill Townhomes monthly meeting minutes (Note: The meeting minutes for any monthly meeting are approved (or approved with any corrections, typos, etc.) at the following month’s meeting.)
According to a Proboards website, it was said that anyone could get a copy of the association’s financial statements.
In 2004, the annual budget for photocopying was $950, and for postage it was $925.
In 2005, the annual budget for photocopying is $985, and for postage it is $843.
So we usually receive the monthly meeting minutes in sets of three, every quarter. (Sometimes newsletters are included in the envelope). In 2003, we received the minutes for January, February, and March, in an envelope with a letter announcing the Annual meeting. Sometime in the summer of 2003, we received the monthly meeting minutes for May and June. No meeting minutes would have been sent out for the month of April. The meeting minutes for the Annual meetings are approved for the previous year by all the homeowners at the following year’s Annual meeting.
Sometime in the late summer of 2003, we received the meeting minutes for July, August, and September. On December 29, 2003, we received a letter from Philips Real Estate. It says, “Enclosed please find an updated revised copy of the House Rules for Kenthill Townhomes. The Board is urging everyone to read and understand these rules as there will be strict enforcement of them as we move into the New Year. Also enclosed is the Winter Newsletter from the Board of Directors and copies of the last two months minutes from the 2003 Board Meetings.” End quote.
These two months minutes would have been for October and November. There were no meeting minutes for December of 2003 as there was no meeting in December.
In 2004, a letter was sent out announcing the Annual meeting to be held on April 13, 2005, including the meeting minutes for January and February. At the 2004 Annual meeting the homeowners were to approve the meeting minutes for the 2003 Annual meeting. But those meeting minutes were not available. (The meeting minutes for the April 13th, 2004 meeting say, “The minutes for the 2003 Annual Meeting were not available for reading.”)
There were problems with the printing of the House Rules Books. They were sent back to the printer for corrections. The meeting minutes were to have been sent out with them. Instead of sending the minutes out for May and June, none were sent out.
The printing problems with the House Rules books continued to happen. The House Rules books were to be sent out with the monthly meeting minutes. The September 14th, 2004 meeting minutes say, “Problems were discovered with the latest edition of the House Rules Book. Reprinting with corrections is scheduled.”
The September 2004 Winter Newsletter was sent out, and again, Phillips Real Estate again failed to send out the monthly meeting minutes.
Finally, in late December or early January, Phillips sent out the copies of the monthly meeting minutes. Copies of the August 10th, August 29th, September 14th, October 12th, October 30th, November 9th, and November 16th, 2004 monthly meeting minutes were sent out. (There was no meeting minutes for December 2004, as there was no meeting). For reasons unknown, Phillips Real Estate did not send out the meeting minutes for May, June, and July.
As was said above, the meeting minutes for any monthly meeting are approved (or approved with any corrections, typos, etc.) at the following month’s meeting. The only exception to this rule is the meeting minutes for the Annual meeting. The Annual meeting minutes for the prior year are approved by the homeowners at the following year’s Annual meeting. No meeting minutes are supposed to be distributed until they are approved.
During the January 11th, 2005 meeting, the meeting minutes for the November 9th and the November 16th 2004 meetings were officially approved. (Actually, these two meeting minutes were pre-approved by e-mail correspondence during December, in order for them to be included in the large mailing made by Phillips Real Estate, and to meet the requirement that meeting minutes be approved before being sent out). During the February 8th, 2005 meeting, the meeting minutes for the January meeting were approved. The March 8th 2005 meeting was cancelled.
On March 31st, 2005 the annual meeting was held. The meeting minutes for the February 2005 meeting were not approved. This was because the meeting minutes for the 2004 Annual meeting were distributed to the homeowners at the meeting. The homeowners read the minutes. A motion was made, it was seconded, and a voice count approved those minutes. The minutes for the March 31st, 2005 were written down. They will be typed up, but they will not be distributed until they are approved in the same manner, at the 2006 Annual Meeting.
On April 25th, 2005, the meeting minutes for the February 8th, 2005 meeting were read and approved. Following the pattern above, monthly meeting minutes are sent out every quarter. The meeting minutes for January 11th, February 8th, and March 8th (the meeting minutes for the March 8, 2005 meeting are only a reference that says the meeting was cancelled) meeting minutes should be sent out soon (although Suhrco has told us they are very busy with the transition). To repeat, the meeting minutes for the 2005 Annual meeting will not be available until after next year when they will be approved by the homeowners at the 2006 Annual meeting.