The following is directed towards potential condo buyers at Kenthill Townhomes:
Statements have been made and some statements have been written to the effect that only half of Kenthill Townhomes homeowners are paying their dues. These statements are not based on any facts. Please ask your real estate agent to investigate these statements. By contacting Suhrco Residential Properties, Inc. and requesting the appropriate official Lender Questionaires, Resale Certificates, etc., you will discover that these claims are unfounded.
Speculative statements such as these only make it more difficult for homeowners who are struggling and are trying to be responsible and who are attempting to sell their Units and move on to alternative living situations.
Situations in which homeowners who are delinquent in their homeowners dues are dealt with with privacy, confidentiality, and respect, in accordance with the Kenthill Townhomes Homeowners Declarations, and according to the laws of Washington State, which include liens, foreclosures, Sheriffs Sales, and Trustees Sales, and all of these official processes must work their way through the King County Court system (a very, very lengthly, and time consuming process).