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Monday, July 20, 2009

Status of the SE 256th St. LID

Early this year, the City of Kent proposed the formation of a Local Improvement District (LID) for the purpose of funding the S.E 256th Street Widening Project. Letters were sent to affected homeowners at Kenthill Townhomes, homeowners of ordinary houses, and most apartment owners (Easthill Apartments was included) whose residences are on or near S.E. 256th Street. [According to mailed paperwork and maps, certain particular apartments were excluded, having signed a previous agreement when constructed]. Letters were later sent which stated the predicted amount that each affected homeowners or apartment owner would be expected to pay to the City of Kent.
As you may remember from the Annual Meeting, one of homeowners at Kenthill Townhomes volunteered to head up a committee to organize homeowners at Kenthill Townhomes as well as homeowners of houses and owners of apartments whose residences are on or near S.E. 256th Street in order to gather opposition to the City of Kent's Proposed Local Improvement District.
The City of Kent held informational meetings concerning the proposal. Statements in letters and at these meetings included the fact that unless a 60% opposition from affected homeowners was achieved, and this needed and was required to be in verifiable writings, from every homeowner and/or apartment owner, that the City of Kent was going to go ahead and proceed with the Proposed Local Improvement District and begin assessing these citizens for the monies to fund this project.
The committee has recently concluded their work concerning this issue. The Kenthill Townhomes Board has received written confirmation of the success of this effort. Last week, the committee that was formed to oppose this Proposed Local Improvement District presented the City of Kent with a cover letter and documentation, including signed letters and petitions, indicating to officials, clerks, attorneys, city council members, and the mayor, which demonstrated that a 67% opposition vote to the proposed LID had been achieved.
According to calculations which were studied, by defeating this proposed LID, the residents of Kenthill Townhomes (alone) have saved slightly less than $171,000.00. Members of the committee that was led by the above mentioned Kenthill Townhomes homeowner have spent considerable time and effort to reach this goal. To say that they deserve our appreciation would be an understatement. On behalf of every homeowner belonging to the Kenthill Townhomes Homeowners Association, both onsite and offsite, the members of the Kenthill Townhomes Board would like to thank the members of this committee for their diligence in seeing this endeavor through to its completion.