A six page letter from the City of Kent, dated 03-10-09, was mailed on 03-11-09, and received by all 82 homeowners by 03-12-09. It states that numerous improvements will be made to S.E. 256th Street. The letter states that while a grant was obtained which will provide a portion of the needed funds, homeowners adjacent to S.E. 256th Street will also share in the costs, since they stand to benefit from said improvements. Two meetings will be held at the local high school, one on 03-23-09 and one on 04-02-09, to provide for citizen’s questions, comments, and protests. The times for each are 4:30 to 6:45PM.
It is a known fact that for years Kenthill Townhomes Annual Meetings are always held in March, coinciding with the date of typically held monthly homeowners meetings, that being the 4th Monday of the month. The only exception was in 2005, when there was some difficulty during the transition from Phillips Real Estate Inc. over to Suhrco Residential LLC., and the meeting had to be re-scheduled for April. This requirement of holding the Annual Meeting in the first quarter of any given year was actually a part of our old Declarations or Bylaws.
The 2009 Kenthill Townhomes Annual Meeting will not be rescheduled. Many homeowners plan year round to attend this meeting. Two dates are offered for citizens to attend a meeting regarding the road improvements at the local high school. The times for each are 4:30 to 6:45PM. The start time of the Kenthill Townhomes Annual Meeting is 7:00PM.