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Friday, May 02, 2008

2008 Rough Draft

As stated in previous posts below, during any given year, the homeowners who are present at the Annual Meeting approve the Annual Meeting minutes for the previous year's Annual Meeting. Therefore, the 2008 Annual Meeting minutes will not be approved and mailed out until March of 2009, and only then after the homeowners in attendance at the 2009 Annual Meeting approve them. However, below is an unapproved rough draft of those minutes, based on prepared speech notes by the President:

Present:Thomas Flynn, Marie Kinney, Nancy LeMay
[The Kenthill Townhomes Annual Meeting uses the Agenda included in the letter mailed to all homeowners announcing the date and time of the Annual Meeting].
The 2008 Kenthill Townhomes Annual Meeting was called to order by the President. A quorum of 25% was eventually achieved after late arriving proxies were obtained. The President gave the Treasurers Report (as the Treasurer was absent). The Association had a very tough year due to the large amount of delinquencies. Using the November 2007 minutes, these were stated to be over $21,000. This does not include the nearly $24,000 cost of attorney fees to pursue homeowners who did not pay their homeowners dues. The process was reviewed again, which includes liens, foreclosures, and eventually the Sheriffs’ Sale, as well as current Washington State law which, after the property goes thru the court system, allow a homeowner to stay in the Unit one year after the Unit is foreclosed on. The President gave the President’s Report. The long term projects of Kenthill Townhomes were reviewed. Kenthill Townhomes received a painting job in 2002 (it was of poor quality). Another painting project will need to be scheduled in the future, but sooner than within a 15 year time span (well before 2017). The window replacement project has also been put on hold indefinitely. Beginning in 2003, we have been replacing roofs, two roofs each year. All scheduling of these projects are now under review. Over the past several years, we have found increasing amounts of serious dryrot on all of our buildings. As the Budget has allowed, repairs have occurred at Buildings K, N, P, A, & R. Serious dryrot has been discovered when the installation of the roofs has occurred, resulting in numerous full sheets of the underlying plywood needing replacement. Severe dryrot has been discovered on the vertical sides above the roofs, resulting in substantial water intrusion. Serious dryrot has been discovered at areas surrounding windows, resulting in at least one entire window system needing replacement. The concrete area to the west of the Cabana, many sections of the concrete area surrounding the swimming pool, the interior lining of the swimming pool (has not been replaced for about 10 years), and the wooden fence which surrounds the swimming pool are all in poor condition. According to the Joint Access and Easement Agreements signed in 1976, Easthill Apartments and Kenthill Townhomes share operating expenses for recreational facilities (with Kenthill paying 40%). A Special Assessment to cover upcoming expenses for possible repairs to these areas is under consideration. Ongoing parking issues throughout the complex were discussed. Two homeowners resigned from the Board. One homeowner present at the meeting was elected to be on the Board.
Homeowner’s discussion:
A homeowners discussion time occurred which included a question and answer time covering the above topics. It was stated that a six page handout regarding the swimming pool issues was distributed (and mailed to off-site owners) to all 82 homeowners in 2006 (and that additional copies are again currently available on the doorstep of Unit J-4).
Meeting Adjourned: At 8:30PM. The next HOA meeting is scheduled for 04/28/08 at 7:00PM.