Sunday afternoon, a Board member drove around the entire condominium complex checking on the vehicles that were parked. Two things were looked for on vehicles. One, if they had a Kenthill Townhomes Parking Tag hanging from the rear view mirror. And two, if they had current, valid Washington State license tabs applied to the license plate.
About half of the known vehicles which are parked at Kenthill were in our parking lots when the drive thru occured. This means that about another half were off the premises and being driven by the homeowner or tenant. It is unknown if those vehicles are displaying the requirements as designated by our House Rules.
It was quite a lot of work in terms of writing parking violations. It consists of going up to each vehicle, obtaining the pertinent information, walking back to the car, writing out a violation, placing it in a zip-lock bag (to keep the ticket dry), and then placing it underneath the windshield wiper blade. Assuming there are 82 homeowners, with at least one if not two vehicles each, more than 21 parking violations were easily dispensed in the space of several hours.