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Friday, January 27, 2006

Monthly Meeting Minutes

The meeting minutes for any monthly meeting are approved (or approved with any corrections, typos, etc.) at the following month’s meeting.) We usually receive the monthly meeting minutes in sets of three, every quarter. We receive the minutes for January and February, and (sometimes, depending on the date of the Annual Meeting) March, in an envelope with a letter announcing the Annual Meeting. Sometime in the Summer, we receive the monthly meeting minutes for April, May and June. However, no meeting minutes are sent out for the month of Annual Meeting of the current year, but they are sent out for the previous year. The meeting minutes for the Annual Meetings are approved for the previous year by all the homeowners at the following year’s Annual Meeting. Sometime in the Fall, we receive the meeting minutes for July, August, and September. In January, we receive the minutes for October and November. There are no meeting minutes for December, as there are no meetings in December.

As was said above, the meeting minutes for any monthly meeting are approved (or approved with any corrections, typos, etc.) at the following month’s meeting. The only exception to this rule is the meeting minutes for the Annual Meeting. The Annual Meeting minutes for the prior year are approved by the homeowners at the following year’s Annual Meeting. No meeting minutes are supposed to be distributed until they are approved. So for 2006, the meeting minutes for the 2006 Annual Meeting will not be available until after next year, when they will be approved by the homeowners at the 2007 Annual Meeting.