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Sunday, December 21, 2014

Two excerpts from a letter from the Board

A letter from the Board of Directors was recently mailed to all 82 Kenthill Townhomes homeowners.

Below are two paragraphs from that letter:

"Worked with contractors to install a new roof at one building.  The Kenthill Townhomes Roof Installation Project began in 2003.  We have 15 buildings. The plan was to have two new roofs installed, each year, until the project was completed. But some timeouts occurred over the years. Some wood siding dry rot issues had to be addressed at certain buildings. Building J was the last building.  So this marks the conclusion of the project. It should be noted that for Kenthill Townhomes, unlike numerous other condominium complexes throughout the area, Special Assessments (often used for projects such as this one) are very rare, (the last one being in 2002)."

"The Board has been doing everything it can to not raise the homeowner dues.  It should be noted that the Property Management Company has recommended raising the dues for many years now, as has the company that performs the Reserve Study. The last increase in the homeowners dues was in 2010, when a 5% increase was enacted.  Since then, all major and minor projects have been accomplished with no increase in the monthly dues, and with no special assessments. This has been a major accomplishment, and a feat not likely to be matched by other condominium complexes throughout the City of Kent area."