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Monday, July 01, 2013

Significantly raised cost of water and sewer:

Pre-arraigned agreements govern the division of various for Easthill Apartments and Kenthill Townhomes. Generally speaking, Easthill pays 60% and Kenthill Townhomes pays 40% of all shared invoices, under the Joint Access and Easement Agreement of 1976, signed by both Kenthill Townhomes and Easthill Apartments.

In 2012, The City of Kent significantly raised the cost for water and sewer to all citizens.
The Association has received the 2010 Kenthill Townhomes Audit from the Certified Public Accountant for Kenthill Townhomes, as well as the 2011 Audit.
The audit states that, for the year ending 2010, water and sewer costs totaled $60,577.
The audit states that, for the year ending 2011, water and sewer costs totaled $66,535.

Remember, these numbers reflects what we, Kenthill Townhomes, actually paid in 2010, and 2011, for water and sewer.
The audit contains 20 line items expenses. No other line item expense even comes close.

[Delinquencies are another matter].

[The audit for the year ending 2012 is not yet completed].