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Sunday, November 24, 2013

Homeowners meeting cancelled

The homeowners meeting scheduled for Monday, November 25, 2013 has been cancelled.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Sunday, September 22, 2013

2013 Asphalt Seal Coat Project

An asphalt seal coat project was completed near Buildings K and L.
This completed work on a section of the property plat that was begun by Easthill Apartments in July of 2011.  At that time, Easthill Apartments completed an asphalt seal coat project on their parking stalls, but no work was done on the nearby Kenthill Townhomes parking stalls (near Buildings K and L).

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Meeting Minutes

There have been questions regarding the monitary amounts stated in the monthly meeting minutes, and their respective headings under which these are classified.  There have been changes to these headings.  These changes first occurred beginning in January of 2013, in accordance with Federal and Washington State law.

The December 2012 meeting minutes included the following [I have omitted the actual amounts, in the interest of internet privacy/security for Kenthill Townhomes (please refer to your copies of the meeting minutes for actual amounts)]:

Operating Account + $500 petty cash      $ xx,xxx
Security Deposits Held                             $   x,xxx  [a requirement; this has to do with owners being behind on their dues]
Replacement Reserve                              $xxx,xxx
Total                                                         $xxx,xxx

Beginning in January of 2013, these headings changed. 

Operating Account + $500 petty cash      $ xx,xxx
FHA Insurance Deductable-in Operating $      xxx
Security Deposits Held                            $    x,xxx 
Replacement Reserve                              $xxx,xxx
Total                                                         $xxx,xxx

The Accountant for Suhrco Residential Properties, LLC. explained the change, writing as follows:
"2013 Budget has #7150 for FHA Deductable: $5,000.  This amount will need to be set aside in a separate account under the Operating Account on your books.  $416.67 will be set aside into that account from the Operating Account, each month, so by December 2013, there will be the full $5,000 shown as set aside for the FHA deductable, per your budget."

Again, this is in accordance with Federal and State law.  It is in the interest of Kenthill Townhomes to comply with FHA requirements. These assist potential buyers in acquiring loans in order to purchase condominiums at Kenthill Townhomes; compliance with VA requirements is also in our interest, in helping veterans obtain the necessary financial assistance that they need; the Board makes every effort to comply with these and other Federal, State, and local requirements.

Saturday, August 03, 2013

2013 Wood Siding repairs (con't)

This is a picture of the wood siding repairs occurring at Building A (south side).

Monday, July 01, 2013

Significantly raised cost of water and sewer:

Pre-arraigned agreements govern the division of various for Easthill Apartments and Kenthill Townhomes. Generally speaking, Easthill pays 60% and Kenthill Townhomes pays 40% of all shared invoices, under the Joint Access and Easement Agreement of 1976, signed by both Kenthill Townhomes and Easthill Apartments.

In 2012, The City of Kent significantly raised the cost for water and sewer to all citizens.
The Association has received the 2010 Kenthill Townhomes Audit from the Certified Public Accountant for Kenthill Townhomes, as well as the 2011 Audit.
The audit states that, for the year ending 2010, water and sewer costs totaled $60,577.
The audit states that, for the year ending 2011, water and sewer costs totaled $66,535.

Remember, these numbers reflects what we, Kenthill Townhomes, actually paid in 2010, and 2011, for water and sewer.
The audit contains 20 line items expenses. No other line item expense even comes close.

[Delinquencies are another matter].

[The audit for the year ending 2012 is not yet completed].

Monday, June 03, 2013

2013 fence repairs along east-west border

Waterbrook Apartments are located directly to the north of Kenthill Townhomes.  Waterbrook Apartments owns the east-west metal fence located directly north of Buildings M & O through L & K.  For many years, there has been a problem with trespassers, especially at this location of the fence (see above photo).
Recently, Waterbrook Apartments had this new, unusual fence system installed, in an attempt to solve this ongoing problem.  It is difficult to see from the photo, but the new fence system actually consists of three distinct fences.  There is actually a wooden fence that is sitting immediately behind the bright metal horizontal fence.  Then, in front of those two fences, is an ordinary chain link fence.  All three fences are approximately the same size.  They are sitting right next to one another, each abutting the other.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

2013 Southeast fence

We have very aggressive trespassers.  Currently, the trespassers have severely damaged Kenthill Townhomes property.  There is a section of fence that is located where the Lighthouse Apartments fence, and the Kenthill fence that runs north and south, and the Kenthill fence that runs east and west – all meet.  The trespassers have taken a large hammer, probably a sledgehammer, and, over a period of many, many months, painstakingly have beaten down the concrete which hold the center fence post in the ground,  Then, with no small amount of effort, they have ripped, and pulled apart both ends of each accompanying fence posts, thus making an opening wide enough for a trespasser to squeeze by and through (see above photo).
We cannot have trespassers cutting through the back yard of Building E, Building D, and Building B.  Therefore, repairs were accomplished (see above photo).  These repairs include certain measures that will make the likelihood of this happening again less so. 

Thursday, May 02, 2013

2013 Roof installations continue

This is a picture of the roof installation which occurred at Building L this week.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

2013 Wood siding repairs

This is a picture of the wood siding repairs occurring at Building E (north end).

Friday, March 22, 2013

Annual Meeting is on Monday, 7:00PM, in the Cabana

Dear homeowners,
We have a problem at Kenthill Townhomes.  This problem has been occurring as long as I have been a member on the Board.
I joined the Board in 2002, shortly after purchasing my Unit.  From 2002 to 2005, we struggled each year, prior to the Annual Meeting, to obtain the necessary number of homeowners, either to attend the Annual Meeting in person, or to sign and send in their proxies.  Even in 2006, after the passage of our new, revised Declarations and Bylaws reduced the requirement to 25% (of the number of required homeowners), we still continued to struggle.
To be clear, according to Washington State law, and our Declarations & Bylaws, a minimum of 25% of the owners must attend, either in person, or by proxy.  This is so that, again, according to Washington State law, and our Declarations & Bylaws, we can legally hold an annual meeting.
That is all this is about.  Nothing more.  At numerous other condominium complexes, at their annual meetings, they hold a distinct, specific vote.  The members present, either in person or by proxy, vote on whether or not to raise the homeowners dues, or to perhaps have a special assessment.  That is not the case at Kenthill Townhomes.  That has never been the case at Kenthill Townhomes.  That is never going to be the case at Kenthill Townhomes.  These facts are written right in our Declarations & Bylaws.
The only "vote" that is taken at the Kenthill Townhomes Annual Meeting is the vote to accept the previous Annual Meeting's minutes.  This too, is in accordance with Washington State law and our Declarations & Bylaws.
As I have said, I have been on the Kenthill Townhomes Homeowners Association Board since 2002.  I became the President of the Board in 2005.  At that time, most of the previous Board members either resigned, or resigned shortly thereafter.  New homeowners took the offices of Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.  You should know that you have some of the most qualified, dedicated homeowners on any Board on the entire east hill of Kent.  Some Board members either majored in accounting or have degrees, some have completed decades of office work, most have some kind of certifications or licenses, and at least one has multiple college degrees.  The Board has accomplished an enormous amount of work; most of this is documented in detail on the Kenthill Townhomes website (now in its seventh year).
But we need your help.  What we need is not too difficult.  We need you to do one thing.  Each year, during the month of March, the Annual Meeting notice is mailed out to all homeowners.  At the bottom of that notice is the word, “Proxy”.  If you are unable to attend the Annual Meeting in person, we need you write a person’s name in the space provided that you trust (a known Board member’s name, or a good neighbor who is attending the Annual Meeting), write your Unit number in the little space, and sign and date it at the bottom.  Then you need to give it to a Board member, or to your neighbor, or to mail it in to the property management company (Suhrco).  [Again, this is only if you are not attending the Annual Meeting].
Each year, during the weekend prior to the Annual Meeting, I personally walk around the condominium complex, knocking on doors, asking homeowners to sign the proxies.  Each year, without exception, as long as I have been on the Board, we just barely, and I do mean barely, have enough homeowners, either present at the Annual Meeting, or by signed proxies, to achieve the 25% necessary requirement.  I do this rain or shine, every year  -  it’s the only way we have been able to meet the legal requirement described above, and proceed with the meeting.
Not doing this, not having a legal, fully attended (either by personal attendance or by proxy) Annual Meeting - jeopardizes the monetary value of each of our individual properties as well as that of Kenthill Townhomes as a whole.  This is because potential sellers of Units at Kenthill cannot produce a document that shows we have legally met the requirement regarding Annual Meetings.  This is also because potential buyers of Units at Kenthill would be wary of purchasing at a condominium complex that cannot produce a document that demonstrates that we have met the legal requirement regarding Annual Meetings. 
I respectfully ask you to remember this very important letter I am writing.  The Kenthill Townhomes Annual Meeting is scheduled for March 25, 2013.
Thomas Flynn
Kenthill Townhomes Homeowners Association

Washington State Legislature RCW 64.38.040 Quorum for meeting:
"Unless the governing documents specify a different percentage, a quorum is present throughout any meeting of the association if the owners to which thirty-four percent of the votes of the Association are allocated are present in person or by proxy at the beginning of the meeting".
Kenthill Townhomes Declarations Section 9.4.4 Quorum:
“At any regular or special meeting of the Association following the initial call of the meeting, the presence of twenty-five percent (25%) of Apartment Owners shall constitute a quorum, . . . “

Thursday, March 14, 2013

City of Kent approves the LID, work begins

The Kent City Council, along with the Mayor, deliberated the proposed LID on 03-05-13.
Left click on this link to open it:    
Scroll down to where it says, "March 5, 2013 7:00PM".  Look all the way over on the right.  Left click, where it says, "Video".  A new window will open.  Left click where it says, "Windows Media Player".  There will be a long pause, while the system thinks about your request.  Eventually, another window will open.  About two minutes of guitar music will play.  If you want to skim this, slide the marker over to about 2:00 minutes.  The video will begin with the Pledge of Allegiance, and a City of Kent Council member, “Roll Call”.  The video quality is somewhat acceptable.  The audio quality (not the audio volume) is low, and sometimes is very poor (especially when the Mayor is speaking).
[This, "shortcut" may or may not work:        
Shortly thereafter, the Council begins to discuss the Local Improvement District (LID) for the improvement and widening of S.E. 256th Street.  Various engineers and other City of Kent personnel present pertinent information to the Council.
This video of the Council meeting is 3 hours, fifteen minutes long.  So just skip to the important parts.
The Attorney for the City of Kent presents an explanation of how the possible minimum 60% Petition against the formation of the LID would work begins at minute, "1:53".
The Kent City Council elects to pass and form the LID at minute 2:19".

Sunday, February 17, 2013

More Local Improvement District (LID) Project progress

On Tuesday, February 12, 2013, the City of Kent held another informational meeting at Kent Meridian High School.  I attended the meeting.  To make a long story short, it does indeed appear that the City of Kent is continuing  to move forward with the various steps in the Local Improvement District process.  Also, as I mentioned earlier, I have been viewing the City of Kent's website.  The four engineers present at the meeting stated that there are many scheduled upcoming important events regarding this project.  These include presentation to the City Council, approval, etc.  These should start showing up on the City of Kent website.  See the blog post dated 08-12-2012 for instructions on how to view the agenda.
City of Kent physical activity related to the SE 256th Street LID Project continues to be observed.