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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Local Improvement District (LID) Project progress

City of Kent activity related to the SE 256th Street LID Project continues to be observed.
These photographs show marking stakes that were inserted into the ground along the southern side of Kenthill Townhomes Building A.
The stake may be seen by viewing the very center of each photograph.

Saturday, August 04, 2012

More on the Local Improvement District (LID)

Go to the city of Kent website.
Mouse over to, "City Hall"
Mouse down to, "City Council"
Scoll down to "Meeting Schedule and Agendas"
Click on, "View meeting schedule . . . "
Scroll down to Upcoming Meetings, August 7, 2012.
Click on, "Agenda Packet".
The City of Kent Agenda packet opens in a pdf file using Adobe.  At the top of the screen, under the word, "Window", there is a number. Scroll down until you get to "page" 130. Doing so will take you to the following:
256th Street Improvements Appraisal Preparation
Agreement – Authorize
It certainly does seem like the City Of Kent is moving forward with this LID Project.