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Saturday, July 21, 2012

Water to be turned off

On July 25, 2012 the City of Kent will be turning off the main water shut off at Kenthill Townhomes and Easthill Apartments starting at 9:00 A.M.  Kenthill has a valve replacement project – whereas the water must be turned off to complete this project.  The property will be without water until the repair has been completed on that day.  Please make sure you turn off your water heater electrical supply located in the electrical breaker box. This is to prevent your water heater from any damage.

Sunday, July 01, 2012

Not very smart

Just when I thought I’d seen everything.
Today, I was doing some work near Buildings C, D, and E.  I went out to the dumpster and looked down and I noticed something that had not been there before.  It was a cardboard box.  But as I looked closer, I notice that the cardboard box had fireplace ashes in it.
I thought, “How dumb do you got to be.  Nobody could be that stupid.  That ash must be old ash.  No one could be so crazy as to place embers and ashes from a recent fire that was in their fireplace into a cardboard box, and then set it on the ground near the dumpster”.
But sure enough, as I had another look, the box was smoking and smoldering.  So I grabbed the edge of the box.  I pulled it along the ground and then stopped.  As soon as I stopped, the box caught fire.
Soon it was completely engulfed in flames, some reaching two feet high.
In a little over a minute, it was completely reduced to ashes.