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Friday, December 14, 2007

No meeting

As usual, there will be no homeowners meeting in December, due to the holidays.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Rate increase

On November 1, 2007, Kenthill Townhomes owners received a letter from the Board regarding the increase in homeowners dues for 2008. In that letter was the following sentence: "The Board has spent the past several months carefully reviewing our financial position. We know that administrative costs are expected to increase 4%, that total utilities are expected to increase 9.56% (excluding a PSE increase; uncertain at this writing)..."
The following news article is an update of that sentence, just published on December 3, 2007:

"Infrastructure investments, higher costs prompt Puget Sound Energy to request general rate increase for late 2008"
BELLEVUE, Wash. -- (December3, 2007) -- Puget Sound Energy [utility subsidiary of Puget Energy (NYSE: PSD)] today filed a request to increase electric and natural gas rates in late 2008. This request would allow the utility to recover large investments made in energy infrastructure in 2006 and 2007, which will continue to be needed to serve the growing region, as well as costs related to higher operating and power-supply expenses.
If approved by the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (WUTC), the general rate case filing would raise PSE’s average electric and natural gas rates by 9.5 percent and 5.31 percent, respectively, effective Nov. 1, 2008.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Possible cost savings

Additional information regarding the difficulties with separating from Easthill Apartments especially with respect to the swimming pool may be found by viewing the posts on this webblog dated, Sunday, July 10, 2005 (a total of three separate posts entitled, "Investigating cost savings [Part one, two and three].

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Dry rot discoveries

Significant dry rot continues to be discovered at our buildings. The most recent finded have been at Building N and Building P. This may be viewed by looking at the south sides of the units of each building especially where the wood siding meets the roof line. Repairs will be necessary to prevent water intrusion.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Long Term Budget

The following letter was sent to all 82 homeowners on September 7, 2006:
Date September 7, 2006
To: Kenthill Townhomes Owners
From: The Board of Directors
Nancy LeMay, Property Manager
Re: Kenthill Townhomes Current and Long-Term Budget Planning
Enclosed please find the Executive Summary (with Table) from Association Reserves of Washington, LLC
Dear Kenthill Townhomes Homeowners:
Kenthill Townhomes was built in the mid-1970’s [The joint access and easement agreement was signed in 1973]. Our buildings therefore are over 30 years old. They are starting to show their age in many ways. It has been difficult to predict and budget how much funds to set aside for the various problems and projects that our condominium complex faces. Each year not only have we had to do maintenance, but we have had to do large repairs to some part of our property.
As you may know, the yearly budget is composed of two parts. The first part is the "Operating Account", in which funds are placed to address monthly billings, utilities, etc., as well as maintenance issues such as lights, landscaping, etc. The second part is the "Replacement Reserves" Account. Everyone's value of their unit has risen over the past several years. It is reasonable to "reinvest" a portion of that increase in value back into the buildings which contain everyone’s individual unit. We do not need to try to make Kenthill Townhomes into a luxury condominium complex. On the other hand we cannot continue to allow the buildings that we each own in common continue to deteriorate. We must maintain them at reasonable level. To do otherwise, in time, when the day arrived for each one of us to sell our unit, we would not nearly obtain the price we might otherwise have received.
In order to better address the long term problems and projects that require our attention, the Board of Directors commissioned a Reserve Study to be done for Kenthill Townhomes. The study is only a guideline, but hopefully it will be of great value. This study will help the current Board as well as future Boards in prioritizing these projects over the years to come. Acquiring a Reserve Study has been long overdue, and also brings us into compliance with generally accepted principles of condominium management, as mentioned in every one of the yearly audits performed by the current and former CPAs which have handled Kenthill Townhomes.
Statistics show that inflation has been approximately 3% for many years. However, that number encompasses the broad market, covering everything from clothes and food to higher cost products. The services we require for condominium upkeep reflect a much narrower characteristic of this information. In fact, the figure is typically closer to 5%, especially when the rising cost of utilities are considered, and most notably as contractors add fuel surcharges to the costs of their estimates.
And so we face two challenges simultaneously, one, rising costs as documented in the media and others sources, and two, the need to address the larger, long-term projects that a condominium complex the age of Kenthill Townhomes is. Homeowners are respectfully encouraged to reflect on these things when planning for their own yearly budgets in the years to come, as we begin to deal with these current and future challenges together as a community.
The Kenthill Board of Directors

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Building letters

Building letter signs on certain buildings throughout the complex have become missing over the years. These have been replaced with new ones.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Tree injures Kent woman

From the Seattle Times, October 19, 2007:

"1 killed, 1 hurt in windstorm"
Tens of thousands of people also lost power for a time in the storm, which toppled trees and blew debris onto roadways, cars and houses. In Kent, a woman was seriously injured when a 60-foot-tall cottonwood tree snapped in half just after 2 p.m., falling on her as she stood beside her car in a parking lot at Kent Station, a shopping complex near the Regional Justice Center. "There were trees everywhere," said Teresa Martin, the manager of a nearby Bath & Body Works store. "We tried to keep her awake, but she wasn't talking." The woman was also taken to Harborview, said Cpt. Kyle Ohashi of the Kent Fire Department. He was unable to say how badly she was hurt or which part of her body was struck by the falling tree.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Roofs being installed

New roofs are being installed at Building N and Building P.

Average homeowners dues

A recent survey conducted in south King County stated that the average monthly homeowners assessment was $310 per month.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Address signs

Street address signs on certain buildings throughout the complex have become missing over the years. These have been replaced with new ones.

Sunday, September 02, 2007


The Easement and Joint Maintenance Agreements between Kenthill Townhomes and Easthill Apartments pertaining to Recreational Facilities and Improvements were recorded in 1973. Kenthill pays 40% of the cost and Easthill pays 60% of the cost on any invoices incurred. In the course of 34 years, invoices have included costs related to propane, chlorine, cleaning, painting, remodeling of the Cabana, cleaning of the Cabana, repairing the lining of the pool, and the total replacement of the lining of the pool [see post dated April 1, 2006 for further information on this last item (approx $9000 $10,000+ tax)(also, it should be noted that the King County Board of Health has been pressuring Easthill Apts. to drain the pool and install three drains {instead of the only one drain, presently in use} in order to comply with current county codes)]. The concrete areas surrounding the pool area also has become deteriorated. Kenthill Townhomes has been informed that Easthill Apartments is investigating several options regarding the planned upcoming repair and/or replacement of these concrete areas. Kenthill Townhomes has been informed that preliminary cost estimates are very high in dollar amount.

In 2006, a five page handout concerning the expenses which Kenthill Townhomes shares with Easthill Apartments was distributed to all 82 homeowners. The handout was entitled, “Attention: Possible Lawsuit, Possible Special Assessment”. The five page handout clearly states that the only way to resolve the differences between the two parties is to renegotiate the terms of the Agreements. The handout states that the owner of Easthill is unwilling to negotiate. The handout demonstrates that the only option is the court system. The only option. The only option. This would mean a Special Assessment to begin. The Special Assessment would only be an estimate (it could not capture all costs, the final costs, nor any appeals).

[As new homeowners arrived at Kenthill Townhomes, they also were provided with this handout, although I may have missed some new homeowners. If anyone would like a copy of the handout, please let me know; I will place one underneath my doormat near the entry door of my Unit].

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Paying future

Homeowners should reflect on the high cost of expenditures for our 30 year old condominium complex for the year 2007 so far. We are in what could be termed a “re-building phase” of our condominium complex that was built in the 1970’s, dealing with issues (and their related costs) long put off by previous homeowners and the Boards they elected. Total funds for January 1, 2007 were $101,087. Total funds for May 29, 2007 were $75,132. Expenditures have outpaced income for the many reasons mentioned in previous posts, and are also impacted by the high demand for window repairs, new entry doors, window screens, and screen doors and also by the continuing problem of a number of homeowners that do not pay their homeowner dues. The dollar amount for non payment of dues averages yearly at about $15,000. This figure does not include attorney fees. [In 2006, the month to month high was over $20,000; this dropped significantly to around $10,000, immediately following the passage of the new, revised Rules & Regulations, which raised the late fee from $10 to $25].

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Children present

There have been several reported near miss accidents near this area of the complex.

Thursday, August 09, 2007


In 2004, Kenthill Townhomes experienced a fire in one of its buildings. The fire cost the Association approximately $14,000 (see post dated Sunday, August 27, 2006). At the 2007 Annual Meeting, it was reported that the 2006 Dryer Vent/Chimney Cleaning Project was all in all a failure, with the majority of applicable homeowners choosing not to participate. Since this topic is considered a critical safety issue, and since historically it has been the case that most applicable homeowners choose not to participate, thus affecting the safety of both people and property, a new approach will be enacted the next time cleanings are attempted. At the 2007 Annual Meeting, it was announced that the Board will simply solicit competitive bids for the project, choose a contractor, and let them handle the entire job (from start to finish). The necessary funding to accomplish this, although very expensive, will be built in to the budget.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Future expenses

The following includes additional excerpts from the President' report which was given at the 2007 Kenthill Townhomes Annual Meeting on March 26, 2007:

Kenthill Townhomes was built in the mid-1970’s [The joint access and easement agreement was signed in 1973]. Our buildings therefore are over 30 years old. T-111 wood siding was a popular building material in the West during that time period. The life expectancy of T-111 wood siding is typically 20 years. This does not reflect or take into consideration the climate of the Northwest which considerably lessens this expected lifespan. If you walk around and look closely at our buildings you will see many instances of the wood siding buckling and bulging. This is especially true at the places where two pieces of siding meet and is covered over with a piece of trim. No caulking was used during construction. We have problems with water intrusion on many of our buildings (especially the one-bedroom units). This most often occurs on the ends of the buildings (often around the windows), but is not limited to this area. A painting project was undertaken beginning in 2000. Numerous repairs and restorations were required before the painting began (this at a cost of $5842.00). The actual painting of the buildings did not begin until 2002. The cost of the painting Project was $82,000. Paint, typically marketed as “15-year paint” was used. As a part of the Reserve Study, an analysis of the condition of our buildings with respect to the history of the painting projects which have occurred in the past was included. The authors of the Reserve Study recommended that the Board contract to have a paint job completed immediately. After investigation, estimates to complete the painting job [not including any required repairs (see above)] averaged approximately $98,000. The authors of the Reserve Study stated, “There is no such thing as ’15-year paint” (in other words, it never lasts that long). This is all the more true in the case of the condition of Kenthill Townhomes with regards to the condition of the wood siding upon which the paint will be applied. In addition to this, the general consensus concerning the paint job that occurred in 2002 was that it was of fairly low quality. The end result of all these things is that we will have to begin considering having a paint job project done at Kenthill Townhomes in the near future. Funding for the new Painting Project will also necessarily have to be taken into account. There are only two ways of funding projects: raising the homeowners dues or having a Special Assessment.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

About Homeowners Dues & Special Assessments

We live in a community. All of us must take part in it and share in the financial responsibilities of the upkeep and long-term maintenance of our commonly held property.

To assist the Board in determining the future needs of Kenthill Townhomes, in 2006 the Board commissioned a Reserve Study to be performed for Kenthill Townhomes.

A Reserve Study is the art and science of anticipating, and preparing for, major common area repair and replacement expenses. A Reserve Study allows the Board and Management to offset the ongoing deterioration of the common areas with Funds to ensure the timely repair or replacement of those common areas. When properly done, irregular Reserve expenses are offset by ongoing, regular Reserve contributions. Special assessments are then left for true emergencies, not expenses which could have been anticipated.

Homeowners have expressed concern about certain statements which were included in the Executive Summary [from the Reserve Study] which was sent in a letter to all homeowners. One statement read in part as follows:

“Based on this starting point, your anticipated future expenses, and your historical Reserve contribution rate, we are forced to recommend a Special Assessment of $205,000 in 2006 and a Special Assessment of $225,000 in 2007. Additionally, our recommendation is to increase your monthly Reserve contributions to $4,830 [presently they are $2,778 per month], with annual inflation offsetting increases thereafter”.

The Reserve Study is a very large document. Preparing it took many months and many hours of interaction, feedback, studying, and information gathering on the part of the vendor, countless contractors, and question and answer sessions with Board members. Having said that, the Reserve Study is only a guide. It is a very useful guide, but only a guide. It does not dictate, nor will it dictate, future actions and decisions. It came with useful tools which can be used to manipulate data to produce various current and future outcomes. The Board has spent many hours reviewing the document. It has proved to be very helpful in the short time that it has been implemented in assisting with composing a rough draft of future projects and issues which will need to be considered in the short term future and the long term future.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Financial discussion

Many homeowners have expressed their concern about rising homeowners dues. Let’s look at an example: In 2005, the Annual Budget for Kenthill Townhomes was $218,834. In 2006, an approximate 5% increase was enacted for a new 2006 Annual Budget of $228,834. $228,834 - $218,834 = $10,000. So a 5% increase is roughly $10,000.

During the 2007 Annual Meeting, the different Board members, the Secretary, the Treasurer, and the President gave their respective reports on the state of Kenthill Townhomes. Various data from the President’s report, together with some more recent information, will prove valuable. The following are excerpts from that speech (please remember that the following statements pertain to 2006 only:

“Our monthly invoice from Waste Management, Inc. varies from $1,500 to $1,800 per month. In 2003, we had a fire in one of our buildings. Costs were approximately $14,000. In 2004, a lighting repair project was accomplished near Buildings A, B, and C. Competitive bids were obtained which ranged as high as $15,000. After much Board interaction, the project was completed for $6,000. In 2005/2006 (Winter), a windstorm resulted in considerable damage to several buildings. Costs included $2,000 for tarping, $2,000 for additional landscaping cleanup, and $5,000 for our insurance deductible. [Insurance paid for one roof installation]. In 2006, five major plumbing problems occurred (broken or leaking water shut on/off valves) at an average cost of $2,200 to $2,500 each. Experts in building maintenance were consulted; the consensus is that more problems are likely to be discovered in the future, given the age of the property (built in the early 1970’s). In 2006, the passage of the Witten Consent to Amend returned the responsibility for the maintenance of windows, entry doors, and screen doors to the Association. In 2006, homeowners requested and had installed numerous entry doors and screen doors at a cost of $5,496. Window repairs (including broken windows, BB shot glass, etc.) totaled $3,668. Wood siding repairs continue at various places at buildings throughout the complex. These include (but are not limited to) Building L $1,721.00, Building R $2,237.00, and Building A $3,293.00.”

It should also be noted that requests for installations of entry doors and screen doors continue to occur in 2007 (requests sharply rose after the March 27, 2007 Annual Meeting). Installations have occurred at Building A, Building I, Building P, Building K, and Building L.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Road Work

This entire road, 256th St SE, will be completely re-done, beginning in 2008 (as per the City of Kent, 04-19-2007).

Friday, April 13, 2007

Letter concerning late fee

Date March 30, 2007

To: Kenthill Townhomes Owners

From: The Board of Directors
Nancy LeMay, Property Manager

Re: Late Fee change reminder

Dear Kenthill Townhomes Homeowners:

In November of 2006, homeowners were mailed copies of the new, revised Rules & Regulations for Kenthill Townhomes. The following are excerpts from the cover letter which accompanied the new rules:

“At the October meeting, as defined by our new, revised Declarations and Bylaws, the Board passed a resolution enacting the new Rules and Regulations. In January of 2006, Kenthill Townhomes was behind approximately $9000 due to homeowners who were over 90 days delinquent in paying their homeowners dues. With each passing month, that figure began to grow at an ever increasing rate. In June and July, four homeowners finally sold their Units and moved on. But not until that figure had grown to an amazing amount of $22,000. The new, revised Declarations and Bylaws grant Kenthill Townhomes the power to raise the late fee for not paying homeowners dues on time from its present amount of $10 to $25. This should significantly address this ongoing problem of delinquencies which affects our Operating Budget so greatly. The new Rules and Regulations will take effect January 1, 2007. Until then, our current House Rules remain in effect and will continue to be enforced. Again, The Board would like to thank everyone for their assistance, input, and feedback during the past twelve months.”

The purpose of this letter to all homeowners is to remind everyone that the Late Fee charge has been changed from $10.00 to $25.00. As you may know the coupons were mailed before the new late fee came into effect so this new late fee is not reflected on your coupons. Although it is not reflected on your coupons the new $25.00 fee is in effect as of January 2007.

[If there are any questions, please contact our property manager, Nancy LeMay, at [XXXXXXXX] or at the numbers listed at the bottom of this notice.]


The Kenthill Board of Directors

Friday, April 06, 2007

Painting of curbing (part 2)

A Board member obtained the proper type of paint at a local hardware store for a nominal amount ($20 per gallon). The Board member applied the paint over the course of a few hours.

Painting of curbing

According to Washington State and City of Kent Fire Department Code, curbing near fire hydrants must be painted yellow. Competitive bids from contractors were obtained. The lowest estimate to complete the work at various locations throughout the complex was for $500.00.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Starting a Block Watch

The following are excerpts from the City of Kent website:

Neighborhood Block Watch
Block Watch is a neighborhood based crime prevention program. It is designed to reduce crime and the fear of crime in residential areas. The Kent Police promote the program and assist any community residents who want to start a Block Watch in their neighborhood.

Why start a Block Watch?
To build a sense of community, connect with your neighbors, and prevent crime. Block Watch is a neighbors-helping-neighbors program which takes very little time, and no money. It has been shown that neighborhoods with an active Block Watch program can reduce incidents of residential burglary by 64%.

How do I get started?
Ask your neighbors, do they want to start a Block Watch? Plan the initial meeting, where and what night of the week is best for your neighbors to meet to learn about Block Watch techniques?

Call the City of Kent Police Crime Prevention Team at 253-856-5879 to schedule the first meeting. We will come to your location to present the principles of Block Watch, and crime watch techniques.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Annual Meeting

The Kenthill Townhomes 2007 Annual Meeting is on Monday, March 26, 2007 at 7:00PM in the Cabana.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Rules & Regulations

The Kenthill Townhomes Rules & Regulations have been in effect since January 1, 2007. Comprised of 20 Sections and over 20 pages in length, they cover nearly every aspect of condominium issues. Homeowners are encouraged to read the new document, as several changes have been implemented over the old House Rules. Fines for violations have been levied, some as high as $150.00.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Notice on Mailboxes








Monday, March 12, 2007

New Gutters

New gutters and downspouts are being put in place on the buildings which have had the new roofs installed.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

New Parking Tags

The new, improved Parking Tags have been received. This is what they look like. There is no more "Kenthill Townhomes" stamped on these new tags. That was a complaint about the old tags, because they showed where people lived, and some residents refused to use them.

The new tags will soon be distributed. They must be placed underneath the rear view mirror in all vehicles. No exceptions will be permitted. Homeowners have been warned in letters and handouts since 2005.

If homeowners have not updated information on their current vehicles, they should do so immediately. We will be using the current listing of homeowners and tenants as provided by Suhrco Residential Properties [although they will have no part in this project [they, " not do parking" - too much of a headache!)]. If a vehicle is not on the list, it will be towed. Not, " may be towed...", or, "...homeowners risk having their vehicles towed...", but IT WILL BE TOWED.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Want Ad

Keeping expenditures down for the Association is an ongoing concern. Over the course of the Summer and Fall, the possibility of having a handyman here at Kenthill Townhomes was discussed at homeowners meetings. Nothing has been decided as of this point in time. In the course of investigating different ways of reducing costs for the Association, and this was one idea that has come up. Many Associations throughout the Puget Sound area employ a handyman to do small jobs at their condominium complexes (leaving the larger, and sometimes more difficult jobs for more experienced contractors). This will be discussed further at the upcoming Annual Meeting.

Here is a preliminary draft of a “Want Ad” for the position:

Handyman for Kenthill Townhomes [Part time]. $15.00/hour. Kenthill Townhomes is presently looking for a handyman to perform various jobs at our condominium complex. Jobs, tasks, and activities to be done would include but are not limited to: Meeting with vendors and contractors on the condominium complex and also at off-site locations such as local hardware stores to review work to be performed and materials to be used. Candidate must be able to communicate desired requirements of the Kenthill Townhomes Homeowners Association Board of Directors. Basic electrical skills are a requirement. Required jobs for this may include replacing florescent lights at various locations around the complex as well as troubleshooting electric eye devices which control certain halogen lights. From time to time materials are placed in the recycle bins which are not approved. Ability to enter recyclable containers for the purpose of cleaning out inappropriate materials is a requirement. Basic construction skills are a requirement. Tasks may include repairing wooden trim on the buildings, small fence enclosures near the patio areas, and removal and replacement of damaged or worn out fence posts. Basic painting and clean up skills are a requirement. Tasks may include painting wood siding, wooden fences, and various receptacle enclosures as well as painting over graffiti on cyclone fences. Tasks may also include the cleaning, sweeping and maintenance of the tennis court. Kenthill Townhomes uses a parking tags system for all vehicles parked on the property. Monitoring of this system is a requirement and may including arraigning towing of vehicles which are in violation of parking policies when appropriate and approved by the Board. Miscellaneous jobs may also include the installing and removing of water hose bib protectors (in November and March).
Current homeownership or residency at Kenthill Townhomes considered a plus. Ideal candidate would own his own truck and tools for the purpose of completing various tasks at the condominium complex (refuse station fees and fuel costs would be reimbursed). Submit resume to Suhrco Residential Properties, 2010 156th Ave NE Suite 100 Bellevue WA 98007.

Minutes error

An error was made in the homeowners meeting minutes dated 12-04-07. The minutes say, "Kenthill to hire contractor for the electrical work being done on Kenthill Apartments and Townhomes, ..."

They should say, "Easthill Apartments to make arraignments with the contractor for Puget Sound Energy for some utility locating prior to electrical work being done,..."

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Beauty Bark