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Sunday, August 27, 2006

Safety project

There was a fire in Building E in 2004. Because of legal and privacy concerns, little can be written about it on the internet. But it can be stated that the fire cost Kenthill Townhomes Homeowners Association approximately $14,000.
Safety with respect to homeowners and community property will always be a priority.
Two, separate, distinct projects are being discussed. One is the cleaning of chimneys. The other is the cleaning of dryer vents. They should not be blended.
In the interest of brevity, the two projects were announced and their respective requirements cited in the posting placed on mailboxes and homeowners doors.
Every year, past Boards have instructed the property management company to send a letter to all 82 homeowners. This letter instructed homeowners of the need to have their chimney cleaned and inspected and to provide the Association with proof of such. [If a homeowner had their fireplace removed, etc., a statement to that effect was requested as well]. Few did.
A new approach to resolve this safety issue is being implemented. Taking no action is not an option. Since few homeowners responded to the survey, the Board requested bids for the inspection and cleaning project. Competative bids which included specific requirements were provided by contractors. A list of those units with working fireplaces was made. Homeowners may continue to provide the Association with proof of cleaning and inspection (if no fireplace exists, the same procedure mentioned above applies). A list will be made of those homeowners who wish to continue with the old system and choose to send in their documentation.
When all information is sent in, the remaining units will be placed on a list. They will be cleaned. Homeowners will be billed.
The group rate obtained by the later system will undoubtably be considerably less than could be obtained by an individual homeowner negotiating with these (or any) contractors.
The dryer vents will be handled in accordance with the Declarations. The dryer vent project only applies to the two bedroom units (on the one bedroom units, the dryer hose exits downward and out the side of the building). Access to this area is obtained by entering the homeowners Unit and by proceeding through the attic crawl space, which typically only exists at two Units in the two bedroom buildings (this is due to the existance of the two firewalls in each Building). Although according to the Declarations, the Association has a right to do this in such circumstances, coordination and cooperation is necessary (and may prove difficult at times).